- 49 - 1938 1939 1940 Payments to the Reich Auto Roads (from funds of the Reich and the Reich In- stitution for Unemployment Insurance, etc.) 1.1 1 about 1 Disbursements of the Reich Institution for Unemployment Insurance, etc., in the domain of unemployment re- lief, provision of employ- ment, and adjustment of wages. 0.4## 0.2### 0.2### Disbursements of the Social Insurance Fund, without formation of capital 4.2 5.2 5.6 Disbursements of the organi- zations (including promo- tion of exportation), as far as covered by their own income (dues, assess- ments ) 2.8 2.9 2.7 45.6 62.2 about 74 If it is desired to measure the net expenditures of the public budget against the national income in the broadest sense, we must first of all have an understanding of the concept and the delimitation of the national Income. The national income for a year is the total value of all commodi- ties produced in that year, and independent services, less those commodities which are necessary for maintaining the national ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Including administrative expenses. ### Without administrative expenses, which from 1939 on are entered in the Reich budget. |