- 51 - disregard the recent increase in territory in the East, that is, if we determine the total national income only for the territory of the Reich plus Austria and the Sudetenland for 1940, we can perhaps count on an amount of about 90 billion RM. Now if we wish to compare the public expenditures with the figures for national income that have been mentioned, attention is to be paid to the following peculiarity in method according to the method of calculation of national income that is employed with quite extensive agreement in Germany, Great Britain and the Unites States, not all sums which are devoted to public purposes are contained in the national income. This is due to the idea that a certain amount of governmental activity is absolutely necessary in order that a national economy may exist and operate at all, and that income may be obtained. To that extent therefore the expenditures of the public administration are not the employment of income, but national expenses. In practice, this idea is applied to the calculation of German national income by not including in the total national income all public revenue secured, from taxes and fees. This is in- cluded only in so far as it benefits, by its use, the domain of consumption, that is, it appears in the national economy, from the standpoint of the tax-payer, as a part of |