Disursements of the civilian administration authorities of the Reich in the budget years 1938 and 1939 (in millions of RM)* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1938------------1939------------ Special payments to States and Communes 100.1 106.4 To Communes for work in the domain of town building 46.6 71.3 Grants to annuity insurance offices 640.4 676.0 Relief to families 72.3 1,489.6 Liquidation of the Austrian National Bank 470.1 ----- Redemption of Czech bonds 230.4 ----- Compensation for rate of exchange on purchases of foreign currency 11.4 ----- Salaries and compensations, including wages 1,555.2 2,165.4 Aid allowances, 429.2 504.0 Mllitary aid allowances 1,090.1 1,161.4 Interest on and amortization of the Reich's debt 2) 2,741.9 3,234.9 Payments to corporations and private individuals 1,624.3 Grants of loans and the like 5) 940.7 6,217.3 New buildings, new equipment and the like 1,626.5 Disbursements in kind and others 1,646.8 ------------------------------------------------- Total 13,199.0 15,626.3 * Deviations in the totals due to rounding off of the figures. 1) Including aid allowances of the new armed forces: 96.9 million RM in 1938 and 71.4 in 1939. 2) Interest: 1,472.6 million RM; amortization: 1,269.3 million RM (including 358.6 million RM for the redemption of employment pro- curement bonds). 3) Interest: 1,949.8mlllion RM; amortization: 1,285.1 million RM (including 27.9 million RE for revaluation of the guaranty debt of the Reich for the German protective area loans). 4) Including 352.7 million HM for social welfare and pensions. 5) Including 608.0 million RM as a loan to the Reich Auto Roads. |