OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVENUE AGENT IN CHARGE UPPER NEW YORK DIVISION U. $. PAnCiO. Peer Ikm. mNG IN Iq~JPL.YING IR~FI[R TO -111 I TREASURY DEPARTMENT INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE NEW YORK I. N. Y. October 25, MT-ET- l4th New /'orb: Estate of: franklin D. Roosevelt Date of death: April 12, 1945 James Roosevelt, et al, Executors c/o O'Conner & Farber, Esqs. 120 Broadway New York 5. N.Y. Dear Mr. Roosevelt: Att: Earle R. Keens, Esq. Release of Personalty x The sworn itemized appraisals of personalty forming hart of the above-named estate, and filed with this office 'anon application for a release thereof, were carefully considered and examined for the purpose of verifying the value of the items therein contained. The total value, as shown below, will be recommended to the Bureau for acceptance upon the audit of the Estate Tax Return to be filed for the above-named estate, unless subsequent information and facts obtained during the course of the regular investigation of the return justify a material change in value. Value Appraised Tentatively Value Recommended Personalty described in sworn itemized appraisal of Philip J. Curry and hie associates and located at the places named therein: Lithographs, engravings, etchings, paintings, mezzotints, sculptures, rugs, bronzes, books, silverware, jewelry and miscellaneous household furniture removed from the White House, Washington, D. O., removed to residence, Hyde Park, New York, pages 1 to 53 in- elusive of appraisal . . . . . . . z z .$ 19,582.50 $ 19,582.50 |