I[ II Estate of Franklin D. Roosevelt Date of death - April 12, 1945 -2- Appaised Val ue Stamp collection removed from White House, Washington, D. O., and now at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York, pages 52 to 70 inclusive, of appraisal . . . . . . . . $ 7% _~7. o0 Etchings, paintings, engravings, silverware, chinaware, bronzes and household furniture at residence, Hyde Park, New York, pages 71 to inclusive of appraisal.. . . . . . . 15,345.00 Paintings, engravings, ship models and miscellaneous personalty at Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York, pages S9 to 96 inclusive of appraisal . . , . , . . ,, , . , . , z , 7,830.00 Household furniture and furnishings at Hill Top 0ottage, Hyde Park, New York, pages 97 to 131 inclusive of appraisal 1,936.00 Household furniture and furnishings recorded in appraisal on pages 102 to 129 inclusive, located on the estate at Hyde Park, New York, some of which was formerly at 47 v.. 65t-h st.. New York, N. Y.; such property inherited from the estate of Sara Delano Roosevelt, who died a resident of Dutchess County, New York, on September 5, 1941 . . . . 7,518.95 Garden and farm implements, automobiles, hor~s, cows, hens, chickens, pony feed, etc., itemized in appraisal of Edwin S. Ham, executed under date of June 27, 19)$5 6,515.00 Household and personal effects, located at Warm Springs, Georgia, described in inventory presented by executors, such inventory having been made following death; no value; assigned by the executors to the property inventoried..... , $137,99)4.1+5 Total Value Ten tat‚ v ely Re commended $ 79, _:'67.00 15,34,5. 00 7,830.00 1,936. 00 7,5'15.95 6,515.00 2,500.00 $1 40, 494. 95 |