-3- 9. The reinforcement of Hawaii. The increase in our attacking force on the Atlantic Seaboard to lOO,OO0 men and the preparation of shipping for their purposes. The British to increase their special forces from 55,000 to 100,OO0 men. 11. Carry out the proposed plans for bomber scuadrons in England. l2. The strengthening of the Atlantic Ferry Service. 13. Put up in the very top production priorities for the machine tools, the equipment and facilities recuired for the production of high-octane gasoline plants, of all combat aircraft of the Army and the Navy and merchant ships. List Of Priorities-B 1. The complete occupationby American forces in Iceland and the reaching of our objective in the North of Ireland. 2. A complete plan for striking force in Alaska stud the Aleutian Islands and pushing that plan as far as possible prior to July 1. 3. The induction and enlistment of. _ hundred thousand men for the Army and the Navy and the provision of training and equipment for these men. |