Text Version

In virtue of the Terms of Reference of the European Advisory Commission
agreed upon at the Moscow Conference, the Commission has given
attention to the machinery required to ensure the fulfilment of the
terms of surrender to be imposed on Germany as well as of any
additiomal requirements which may be presented to Germany in accordance
with those
terms.  Accordingly, we submit herewith, for the consideration of the
three Governments, a proposed Agreement on Control Machinery in
2. At the present time, it is difficult to determine the course of
events in Germany after surrender or cessation of organised resistance.
The immediate problem is to decide what Allied agencies should be set
up in Germany directly after surrender or cessation of organised
resistance and immediately upon the occupation of Germany by allied
forces of the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
3. The plan contained in the attached proposed Agreement provides for
the tripartite agencies of control and administration to cover the
period of occupation of Germany following her defeat, during which
Germany will be carrying out the basic requirements of unconditional
4. The purposes of these agencies of control and administration will
comprise the control of the disarmament of Germany, including the most
urgent tasks of economic disarmament; the abolition of the Nazi regime;
and the preparation of conditions for the creation in Germany of organs
based on democratic principles.
5. We have not found it possible to indicate what should be the
duration in point of time of the period to be covered by the proposed
Agreement.  We would recommend, however, that the tasks assigned to the
organs of control during that period should be carried out in as short
a time as possible, and that the moment for the inauguration of the
second period should be decided by the three Governments after
consultations with their Commanders-in-Chief.
6. We have based our draft on the assumption that there will at the
outset be a central administration in Germany through which the organs
of control will operate.  The machinery of tripartite control which we
recommend would, however, be capable of adjustment to meet other
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