In Berlin the following theaters are reserved exclusively for the use of Strength through Joy: the Volksoper- for opera, and the Theater des Volkes - for musical comedy. These theaters were formerly operated by the N.S. Kulturgemeinde of the Propaganda Ministry but in agreement with the latter Ministry the Strength through Joy organization has assumed predominant ownership and management. Strength through Joy also disposes over "peoples theaters" in Breslau, Dresden and Munich-. In addition to these, its own theaters, which give almost nightly performances during the season, Strength through Joy concludes agreements with private theater owners in various cities, contracting for blocks of seats for one or more evenings. The State-supported Staatsoper in Berlin reserves one evening every two weeks for Strength through Joy (probably at considerable monetary sacrifice). In other cases officials of the organization will go to theater managers several weeks after an opening (when the novelty has worn off and attendance has begun to lag), and will propose taking over the whole or a part of the seats for a stated period. The price offered is only the standard Strength through Joy rate of 75-80 pfennigs per person; this is a more welcome contribution toward the meeting Of operating expenses than empty seats, however, and it is said that many theater |