Text Version

      March 27, 1939
Memorandum for Colonel Watson:
In drawing up detailed plans in connection with the visit 
      of the King and Queen of Great Britain, we have come to the matter 
      of visiting "The Battery" in New York City.
In one of the conferences the President stated that he would 
      get in touch with Governor Lehman and Mayor LaGuardia about the 
      kind of ceremony to be held, but last Thursday the President 
      indicated that he had not yet written to these officials, and 
      he intimated that he might have them come to Washington for a 
      short conference in regard to the matter. Possibly the President 
      might wish to telephone the Governor and the Mayor.
Also, we know nothing as yet about the ceremony to take place 
      at Columbia University, in honor of the King and the Queen, on 
      the afternoon of June 10th.
George T. Summerlin 
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