Last night fifty heavy bombers sent to attack oil plants railway target and electric power station at Bremen, twelve aircraft mine-laying in Lubeck area and northeast Danish waters, two machines not returned. 3. German Air Porce . British merchant vessel believed "Highlander" twice attacked by enemy aircraft early yesterday. One Heinkel shot down in flames by Lewis gun during first attack; during second by air torpedoes enemy aircraft hit ship and crashed on deck. Ship has arrived in Scottish port with enemy aircraft on board. Enemy activity yesterday slight. Confined to coastal reconnaissance and some light attacks on shipping. Last night activity chiefly by single aircraft. Some bombs dropped in South Wales, Thames, Medway areas and also on convoy off Scotland. 4. Summary of air casualties: Day of 2nd: enemy two bombers, British one medium bomber, confirmed. Night of 2nd-3rd: British two bombers; total: enemy two, British three, all confirmed. Shipping casualties: By U-boat. Three British tankers reported sunk in yesterday's summary, paragraph 5, are making for port under own steam with naval and air escort. By air. Early this morning British Law 6800 tons in convoy off North Scotland set on |