and was again directed principally against London and the coast. No interruption of traffic is reported, though there were several incidents chiefly affecting the Southern Railway %. Damage was caused to 2 factories and at 2 others an interference with work on account of unexploded bombs has been notified. Many fires were started but none were extensive and all are under control. A hospital at Barnes was damaged and Selfridge's was hit by high explosive. Outside the London area little damage was reported, none of it industrial or Military. 4. Shipping casualties. By submarine: 1 British ship (5,700 tons) outward bound in ballast was sunk September 28th in north western approaches. A convoy of 18 ships from Canada including one tanker and 6 cargoes of iron and steel has arrived safely. 5. Middle East. September 27th our medium bombers attacked a concentration of mechanical transport and also the fort at Giarabub. Fires and explosions were caused among the mechanical transport. One enemy fighter and one of our aircraft were shot down. Sudan. September 26th - 27th the enemy attacked from the air our forward positions in the Gallabat area and also Bura in Kenya without causing damage/ |