Telegram from London dated October 10th, 1940. 1. Naval. A naval mine-sweeping trawler was sunk by an underwater explosion on the evening of October 9th; there are no survivors. Portland dockyard was attacked by 2 aircraft about 9.00 p.m. October 9th; I storehouse and 2 cranes were damaged and a water main was cut. Most bombs fell in the sea. 2.Royal Air Force During the night of October 8th-9th our bombers attacked 4 channel ports and bursts were reported in the basins at Calais. Fires were started at 2 marshalling yards in Germany. Oil targets at Hamburg and Gelsenkirchen were located; at the former an explosion was caused and at the latter bombs straddled the target and a number of fires and explosions resulted. Fourteen aircraft attacked shipping yards at Bremen where all bombs fell in the target area and violent explosions followed. Sixteen aircraft also attacked "Tirpitz" at Wilhelmshaven; and although no direct hits are claimed there were several near misses including one with a 2,000-pound bomb. Single aircraft attacked 4 aerodromes, the Fokker aircraft Factory, a metal factory in Germany and Kiel Canal power station. Twenty-two fires were started in Krupp's works at Essen by 3 aircraft and some mine-laying was also carried out. |