Text Version

It is today clear that the number of weapons available for 
      Great Britain in 194l, while sufficient to enable her to resist, 
      will not enable her to conquer.
The number of weapons which Great Britain will have to carry 
      on the war during 194l is known and though their production can 
      be accelerated, it cannot be greatly increased because it is 
      the result of the capacity of production laid down in England 
      and the United States during 1939 and 1940. The major part of 
      the planes that the United States will produce during the first 
      half of 1941 is the result of the productive capacity laid down 
      in the spring of 1940.
For England to conquer Germany in 1942 it is essential that 
      she maintain her control of the seas, that she maintain her mercantile 
      fleet strength, that she establish her domination in the air, 
      and that she obtain a striking force for air, sea and land at 
      home, and striking power through the air abroad. Dominance of 
      the air is England's only protection against the ultimate destruction 
      of her essential industries by enemy bombing over a prolonged 
      period of time.
Since British production is already geared to its maximum, 
      she must obtain from the United States the balance of the supplies 
      that will enable her to top the German strength in 1942. To achieve 
      this, an immense effort is necessary here. To result in effective 
      supplies in 1942, this effort must be decided, planned and made 
      now, and made on a scale that will permit supremacy and victory 
      in 1942. Indeed, neither human will nor genius can change during 
      1942 the process of production based on decisions taken now. 
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