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                                       January 25, 1932.
John M. Hacket, Esq.
Poughkeepsie, New York.
Dear John:
            Thank you for your letters.
            You are right about the roads but don't forget
that the town taxes did not pay for the state roads! 
You and I, however, did pay the Republican Town Superintendent 
of Highways $45,000 for building a new road on Queen Street 
which should have been built for $15,000. You see now what the
extravagance of local Republican government.
In regard to your letter of the 12th. Of course the Sweetins
have no right to use any of the rooms in the Tompkins house.
Go ahead and rent it. I have told Nancy Cooke to write 
you regarding someone she has in mind as a tenant.
          I am enclosing a check for the taxes.
                         Very sincerely yours,
                         Franklin Roosevelt
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