Information received up to 7 a.m., 23rd January, 1942 A twelve thousand ton outward bound tanker was torpedoed on the 22nd six hundred miles east of CAPE RACE. LIBYA SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New">. 22nd. Three enemy columns including tanks, made a reconnaissance in force about fifteen miles deep from their positions around AGHEILA. Our forces are withdrawing but maintaining touch and harassing the enemy while our reserves are moving forward towards the fighting area. MALAYA. SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> East. Our forces, after successfully ambushing the enemy, have withdrawn south of the river MERSING. Our artillery are harassing enemy movements. Center. No further change. West, Heavy fighting continues and the position is confused. On the 21st eight hundred Australian and four hundred Indian troops who had been cut off, rejoined from the BAKRI area. A British infantry brigade counter attacked BUKIT PAYONG to help this movement. By the 22nd the BUKIT PAYONS area was strongly held by the enemy and remainder of our troops in this area who were unable to force their way through, are making their way in by tracks leaving their wheel transport. BURMA. SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> Heavy fighting continues at KAWKAREIK in the MOULNEIN area against the enemy in force. The evacuation of our forces from the MERGUI area is proceeding. A number of military personnel from TAVOY have arrived in the YE area and all the R.A.F. ground party have reached MOUILEIN safel RUSSIA. SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> The Russian advance southwards west of ROEHV has made further progress. Russian attacks south-east % of KHARKOV have gained ground, little change in the CRIMEA but a resumption of the German attack towards KERCH probabl 3. AIR OPERATIONS WESTERN FRONT. 21st/22nd. BREMEN. Thirty-one tons and one thousand five hundred incendiaries. EMDEN. Forty-seven tons and two thousand two hundred incendiaries. At BREMEN a four thousand pound bomb burst near the railway junction and another near the Atlas Shipyards. Eleven R.C.A.F. and two R.A.A.F. aircraft took part. One Canadian Hampden was among those missing. 22nd. A Hudson obtained two hits on a one thousand tone merchant vessel off the FRISIAN ISLANDS. vessel off the FRIBIAN ISLANDS, |