-9- #880, Nineteenth, from London ranks who did not like it and who began to see the effect of that even before the fighting broke out in Athens and after the fighting broke out all the more moderate elements of what is called the EAM organization flaked away. That was very noticeable to me, to who had been to Athens before when I returned with the Prime Minister at Christmas time, because when this conference which he summond took place to which the ELAS representatives came, I thought that they would do their best to show as broad a representation as possible obviously, in order to impress us and the world of their representative character. It was not so. Their representatives to the conference were three Communists and dominated by the Secretary General of the Communist Party. Those were the men who came to negotiate at this meeting. What I submit, and I have little doubt of it myself but I cannot prove it, that in the progress of the fighting all the elements except the hard Communist core flaked away in disapproval of the policy which the Communist leaders were adopting. (An Honorable member: "What proof have you?") No proof, but I will try to give some. I will try to prove to the satisfaction of the House that the policy we have pursued was the only policy open to us and was a just and correct policy. Sir Richard Mcland |