-10- #680, Nineteenth from London Sir Richard Aeland rose. Mr. eden: I am going to answer the Honorable Gentleman's question too. I cannot answer all at once, they come in turn. Why do I say that there has been this flaking away? I submit to the house that the Socialists, the Agrarians and the Popular Democrats, all of whom formed part of EAM in the pound earlier stages, have announced their decision to break away and have in one form or another denounced the activities of their former associat Rir. S. O. Davies (Merthyr): By whom? Mr. Eden: I am just going to say by whom. The Honorable Gentleman is in a hurry and wants to make my speech for me. I am going to tell him by whom and, in particular, I am going to take the Greek Socialist Party, which is the most important of these parties and one which I hope will appeal to the Honorable Gentleman who interrupted. It is the SKE. That party issued a manifesto and I shall trouble the HOUSE by reading it because I think it is important that we should try to assess what is the true feeling of the organization and the whole basis of my contention is that EAM, as such, does not existent more and what is 1eft is just a hard Communist or, if you like, Trotskyite core. Mr. Stokes rose. Mr. Eden: |