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                     February 11, 1942.                     
                          Dear Winston:-                    
These people who go around under assumed names render themselves 
      open to all kinds of indignity and suspicion. The enclosed correspondence, 
      which I have arranged in chronological order will amuse you. 
      Ned Bruce is an old friend of mine and a really grand person-- 
      but is completely unorthodox. While you were here he sent a letter 
                to a man named "Marin" in my care.          
      The British Embassy was asked for verification and I suppose 
       the matter has been to Scotland Yard and back again. 
Some day I want to see a painting by this alias fellow -- 
      and some day I hope you will get enough time to resume the painting 
      and that I will be able to return to making ship models and collecting 
                       As ever yours,                       
                          The Honorable                     
                      Winston S. Churchill,                 
                 Prime Minister of Great Britain,           
                         London, England.                   
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