DEPARTMENT OF STATE ASSISTANT SECRETARY July 9, 1941 MEMORANDUM TO THE PRESIDENT Post-War Peace Commitments. You may have noted a long cable from London, dated July 7th (No. 2887). Eden asks Winant to comment on a resolution by which the "Allied Governments" (namely, Britain, Greece, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Yugoslavia), agree: (1) that it is the common aim of these governments to see that food and raw materials shall be made available for the post-war needs of these countries when liberated; (2) that plans of each government are to be coordinated; (3) that they will collaborate in the preparatory measures already taken by Britain and will collaborate "to the fullest extent of the treaty power" in pursuing the action required; (4) that they will prepare estimates of food and raw materials and priority lists; (5) that the re-provisioning of Europe is to have prior claim on the shipping resources of each government |