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Dubri Bridge successfully demolished.
Demolition of Stenos Bridge at Lidhorikion-Navpaktos road. 
      30 yards bridge blown.
Road and telephone communications between Arakhova and Levadia 
Action in Aigion area, railway bridge between Diakogio and 
      Oahloron successfully attacked. 1,000 yards line demolished.
There is little doubt that our Liaison Officers in Yugoslavia 
      have seen and heard enough to bear ample testimony to the innumerable 
      brutalities perpetrated by the Germans and their satellites.
One of them now with the patriot forces in Western Croatia 
      has sent in a report based on evidence given by trustworthy officers 
      formerly serving in the forces of Pavelic, from which they deserted 
      when they discovered the full significance of his policy. This 
      report refers to the many bodies of murdered persons lying about 
      in mountain gorges and to the mutilated people still alive to 
      tell the tale of their sufferings. He instances such horrors 
      as the following :-
Men invited to meetings in churches arid then locked in and 
      burnt to death.
A captured Ustashi was found to have in his possession 2 kilog, 
      of human eyes intended as a gift for Pavelic.
      Photographs have been seen of children dashed to death against 
      walls; of individuals with ears cut off and finger-nails pulled 
Pregnant women ripped open.
Children tied together round haystacks which were then set 
A priest buried alive at Brinje.
Girls raped and made to dig their own graves.
Our Liaison Officer goes on to say that the systematic burning 
      of towns and villages trod of crops is a mere incidental to the 
      other widespread brutalities of which there is plentiful evidence.
From General Mihailovic countless reports have been received 
      over a period of  %many months. These reveal the indescribable 
      brutality of the occupying and quisling forces. Reports received 
      since the 1st May, 1943, but covering the period since the beginning 
      of 1943 to the present day show that some 7,000 to 8,000 people, 
      including many women and children, have been put to death or 
      tortured. Countless instances are given of villages burnt and 
      plundered, crops seized, heavy fines imposed on villages and 
      settlements for what was considered insufficient surrender of 
      food-stuffs and other produce, cattle driven off, hostages shot, 
      thousands of people thrust into concentration camps, of the inhabitants 
      of entire districts being driven to take refuge in the inhospitable 
      mountains, where they have inevitably been overtaken by famine.
      The following few instances chosen at random from the General's 
      reports illustrate the state of affairs which has existed ever 
      since the German invasion :-
In Eastern Srem German, Gestapo, Ustashi and other Croat troops 
      are said 'to have sent 5,000 people to Germany in sealed waggons 
      soon after Himmler's visit to Oagreb, in reprisal for sabotage 
      on the railways imputed to the Serbs, but in fact carried out 
      by the Ustashi themselves.
At Metchija two train-loads were filled, mainly with women 
      and children, and taken to the concentration camp at Oemun.
      At Kraljevo 107 women, 3 three-year-old children and 30 fourteen-year-old 
      boys were shot by order of Josef Eckart, the local Gestapo chief.
At Kozevi 70 hostages shot in reprisal for the demolition 
      of a bridge.
At Belgrade 50 Serbs shot in reprisal for the sabotage of 
      Danube traffic in May.
In the Jablanica district, 2,000 people were taken to Germany 
      from 14 villages, which were burnt to the ground.
      Quotations of the same character from this source could be multiplied 
      endlessly. Doubtless the reports do not err on the side of understatement. 
      Nevetheless, even if heavily discounted, they disclose a sufficiently 
      horrifying state of affairs. 
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