April 2, 1941
To Secretary Morgenthau
From Mr. Foley
Attached is a redraft of the over-all Agreement to cover defense
articles made available to the United Kingdom which incorporates
the suggestions made by the President at our meeting with him
and Harry Hopkins on March 14, 1941.
At that time the President said he was in no hurry to sign the
Agreement and suggested, after the appropriation measure was
passed by Congress, that we take up the redraft, first, with
the State Department, second, with the Attorney General, and
third, with the Director of the Budget, and, subject to Harry
Hopkins' first clearing with Dean Acheson as to the attitude
of the State Department, begin discussions in a preliminary way
with the British.
I called Dean Acheson last Friday and told him that we were
ready to sit down with him and go over the redraft, but I haven't
heard anything from him although he promised to give me a call
not later than last Monday.
I suggest that you ascertain at the meeting this afternoon
whether or not Treasury or State is to take the Agreement up
with the British.