BRITISH EMBASSY WASHINGTON, D. C. September 15th, 1941. Dear Mr. Secretary: As I imagine Lord Halifax must have told you himself, when he left for England he hoped to be able to return to Washington by about September 22nd in order to be here for the visit of the Duke of Windsor. I have, however, now had a telegram from the Ambassador explaining that the Prime Minister wishes him to stay on in London rather longer, and that he will therefore, to his regret, not be back in Washington in time for the Duke's visit. Lord Halifax has asked me to explain matters to you. He would also like the President informed of the position, and I should therefore be much obliged if you would be good enough to inform the White House. Believe, me, Dear Mr. Secretary, Very sincerely yours, The Honourable Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, D.C. |