EDA - 2- #319, April 15, 5 p.m. from London shortly to sign. A number of instruments forming part of the agreement will be annexed to a protocol which will provide that they shall come into force at a date to be determined together by the two governments and that upon their taking effect negotiations will be opened (the Egyptian Government being invited to participate where necessary) for the purposes of dealing with certain questions such as frontiers and trade, affecting their relations in East Africa. In this connection there is to be in the meantime a 'bon voisinage' agreement which the United Kingdom, Italy and (in respect of the Anglo-Egyptian Soudan) Egypt will sign. The instruments annexed to the protocol will comprise (a) a reaffirmation of the declaration signed by the United Kingdom and Italy on the second January 1937 regarding the Mediterranean and of the exchange of notes between them of the 31st December 1936 respecting the status quo in the Western Mediterranean; (b) an agreement for the periodical exchange of military information in regard to the two parties' forces in certain parts of Africa, the Mediterranean and the Red Sea and providing for advance information regarding decisions to provide new naval or air bases in the Eastern Mediterranean and in the Red Sea or |