This telegram must be closely paraphrased before being communicated to anyone. (C) Secretary of State, Washington. London Dated September 17,1938 Rec'd 10 a.m. 950, September 17, 1 p.m. STRICTLY FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE. The Cabinet meeting is still on but I asked Cadogan to see me and bring me something to report at once. He says that Chamberlain found Hitler in a very bad mood. Those around him had just reported another incident in the Sudeten area in which 300 Sudetens were killed. Chamberlain said he knew nothing of that and urged Hitler not to take it for granted unless it was confirmed. The sum and substance of the conversation after this bad start was that Hitler wants the recognition at once of the principle of self-determination. Chamberlain told him he was not prepared to make any such agreement until he had a chance to consult with the Cabinet and possibly Parliament. Hitler told Chamberlain that the latter was familiar with his ideas on race and that it was not necessary to repeat them but he insisted that something be done immediately. Chamberlain told him that he must return home and received an agreement from Hitler that he |