-14- would result in the establishment in those countries of governments in harmony with national socialist doctrines. In support of this supposition, one need only to recall the political evolution in those states which, having fallen from time to time under the domination of Napoleon, went so far as to furnish troops and to apply the "Continental system" against Great Britain. With Europe in the grip of a totalitarian ideology, little time would elapse before such ideas established themselves firmly in at least some of the States of Latin America. The discussions at the Lima Conference in December 1938 provide not only sufficient evidence of the reality of this danger but also of some indication of the suspicions and differences of outlook existing in South America, which might be exploited in such a way as to render fruitless the efforts of the United States to unite the Western Hemisphere in self-defense against the intrusion of foreign influences and propaganda, or even as to turn those efforts against their originator by raising the cry of "Yangui Imperialismo". It cannot be overlooked that many of the Republics |