- 6- and undiagnosed as well as diagnosed, between 25 and 40% of the population. One British medical officer with ten months' exper- ience up and down the country believes that the over-all health situation is so bad as to make improbable the physical ability of the army and civilian population to continue resistance to the enemy during another winter of war even though their "will to resist" should persevere unabated. Another interesting item arising out of my medical conver- sations was the statement that venereal disease was seriously on the increase among enemy troops. I told the doctors concerned that this constituted enemy military intelligence of a high or- der of interest to us and that more precise figures indicating what proportion of enemy troops were incapacitated, for how long, the rate of incidence, and the rate of increase, would be welcome. They stated that such information could be obtained from captured enemy doctors and that they would make a point of obtaining it. D. PARTISAN BATTLE ORDER The following information on Partisan battle order was sup- plied to me by General Arso Iovanovic, Partisan Chief of Staff at Par t isan GHQ: The Partisan army is compossd today of between 290,000 and 310,000 troops divided into 11 army corps and three so-called army commands. Both men and women serve in the army although the proportion of women was not ascertained Children as young |