culatecd for quick rehabilitation and industrial efficiency than conditions obtaining prior to 1939. As has been said, Tito plans (if he is in power) to re-es- tablish immediately the country' s agricultural activities, so that the population may have the means of subsistence during the ensuing period when, through the introduction of training and machinery, he hopes to industrialize the country and tap its natural resources. Now in preparation within the country are lists of the actual physical destruction that has taken place during the war, how much machinery has been destroyed and of what kind and where, how much of their communications and transportat ion facilities have been destroyed. All of the necessary elements of a physical inventory-- what they had on hand before the war and how much they have lost -- are now being worked on and should be available in the next few months. Other economic data necessary to an appraisal of the Jugoslav balance sheet on resources of all kinds are in contemplation and it is expected that; under qualified Allied advice and guidance, these calculations will be made and reported out of the country. B. PARTISAN REQUESTS FOR MATERIAL ASSISTANCE Partisan requests for immediate assistance are divided into military needs and civilian needs. Partisan requests for post-war assistance are divided into immediate post-war relief and |