IV. PSYCHOLOGICAL INFORMATION The Jugoslavs ars predominantly an agricultural people. They are sturdy, independent, close to the earth, illiterate, opinionated, and intensely factional. They respect technical skill and accomplishment in others but on the whole think that there is nothing that they can't do at least as well as anybody else, given a fair chance. This last seems to be a basic and universal characteristic, and I am not sure but that it would be more accurate to say they think there is nothing they can't do better than anybody else. This provides a striking contrast with their actual present and pre-war situation, where, in point of fact, there was practically nothing that they did as well as anybody else. Neither in the arts nor in the sciences have they made any noteworthy mark and, in fact, their only known claim to preeminence, up to the present, lies in their constituting the most successful resistance movement in Europe, a circumstance which may be attributed more properly to their indomitable will and their not kinowing when they are licked rather than to a special skill of any sort. I believe that to talk of their being past masters in the art of guerilla warfare is to give an altogether misleading picture of what they are really doing. Actually they hide out in the mountains and forests in what seemed to me to be a fairly crude and obvious way. They sneak out and fall upon the enemy whenever they think they can pull off a surprise, |