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divisions which may take part in eventual occupation of
German. Nor have they given any final indication of their
views, to other Governments concerned. In particular they
have not, as. yet, even taken up the question of regional
defence with the French Government.                                                  
       To sum up, His Majesty's Government would put the 
establishment of a World 0rganisation first on their list 
of desiderata. It may prove in addition to be desirable to 
have-some regional defence arrangement in West Europe for 
the purpose of elaborating a common defence policy against 
Germany and of deciding what the role of each state concerned 
is to be in the matter of armaments and disposition of forces. 
But all these matters will be discussed with the Soviet
Government in detail if and when they arise in accordance with 
the settled policy of His Majesty's Government.
     We are taking similar action with the Soviet Embassy 
here and are warning them against crediting exaggerated 
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