or economic charater in a way that would, if dissappointment followed in the case of a particular nation, engender enemity towards the Holy See. Another reason for this series of inquiries on my part was based on the fact that, in the last peace conference, I recalled that the Holy See was proposed as a party but was prevented from becaoming a participant by the objections of italy. It should be recalled that the socalled "Roman stion" had not then been settled. The Lateran Treaty provid "Article 24 "The Holy See, in consideration of the sovereignty belonging to it in the international field, declares that it wants to remain and will remanin outside of temporal disputes between other States, and of international congresses called together for such purpose, unless the contending Parties make a collective appeal to its mission od peace, the Holy See reserving for itself in each case the right to assert its moral and spiritual power. In consequence thereof, the Vatican City will be always, and in very case considered to be a neutral and invioable territory However, it may be that the Italian Government might have a different view in the future if the Holy ee were calles upon to take part in such deliberations if the British and the Americans proposed it be a participant. The Lateran Treaty is an engagement between the states only and , I assume, by the consent of each could be modified to suit a particular case. It was obvious to me that the limits of this filed were not very clearly defined, so much so tht Father Carroll, who accompanied me during the interview, was asked by teh Cardinal to prepare a review of our conversation, and I am confident |