confident that the Cardinal will study and revise his own remarks. It is possible that I shall have a copy of that memorandum. I then mentioned the subject of refugees, imprisonment and execution of hostages, the transfer of populations, the impressment into work into foreign countries by unwilling peoples of occupied countries, and I again urged upon the Cardinal, as I had upon His Holiness, that a further condemnation of thses practices by the Holy Father would meet the hopes of many in America, Great Britain , and in the occupied countries. It was indicated to me that such a statement in general terms will be made at first opportunity, which , I am told, will be early in Octo I introduced the question of Russia, which is very much in the minds of everyone here, and her posr-war attitude in the case of United Nations victory In general terms I indicated thta it was our hope that Russia, having become a member of the United Nations, with which it is now collaborating, would find it to her advantage if a strong buffer organization of states were set up in the area betwen Germany and Russia; and if the world organization, backed by powers to enforce its decress, were created, Russia, felling secure (having adequate territory for a large growth of population and possessing vast resources) might fing her own security of such importance that efforts to exploit her original ideologies, now considerably revamped, or to gain territory in the less rich aresa surrounding her on the west, would seem to offer a reasonable opportunity for Russia to become a real member of the family of nations adn to participate whole -heartedly |