Text Version

not shown this document to any of the people mentioned in Madrid,   
government or clergy, that he would be most pleased to have the Military   
Attache bring the one available copy which he had at his hotel for the   
perusal of His Eminence after the conference was terminated.  
This was to be treated by His Eminence as confidentiaI. The Cardinal was   
delighted and stated that he would be most pleased and would treat it in   
the manner desired. (The document was brought to the Cardinal's house at   
5:30 and he read it over in the presence of the M/A returning it to the   
               latter when he had finished).                
General discussion was had in regard to. the Christian aims of the United   
Nations and in regard to the ideals of the coming peace. Mr. Taylor   
explained to the Cardinal that the United States stood in a unique   
position in having no territorial ambitions or economic designs as   
ultimate aims after this present conflict. He stated that the United  
States was determined to win, and had geared its life and its production   
facilities along those lines. Discussion was also had of the position of   
Portugal to Western Europe, and here the Cardinal brought out the fact that   
while Portugal had tried to remain strictly neutral, it reslized  
its responsibilities as the open door to Europe and the strong position   
which it, occupied vis-avis Spain. He stated that it was the desire of   
Portugal to keep Spain neutral and on an even keel. The Cardinal then went   
on to explain that Portugal had suffered because its authoritarin form of  
government had been compared unfavorably as being the same as that of the   
Axis dictatorships. This was untrue because the aims of the Portuguese   
government was the eventual economic and spiritual improvement of   
theindividual and not his enslavement. Mr. Taylor exoressed the great   
admairation that he had for Dr. Salazar, and the Cardinal much appreciated  
such a sentiment. The subject of the Russian people and communism was   
brought up and Mr. Taylor explained to the Cardinal that he, in turn, had   
spoken to His Holiness on these questions. He explained to his Holiness his   
thesis that in the Christian endeavor of the United Nations, the  
subject of interest in regard to Russia was the Russian people and not   
their particular form of government. He explained that the Russian people   
were Christian people and should not be condemned for a form of government   
which was not in conformity with those of the western world.                                 
He also stated the Pope's recent Encyclical on the subject  
specifically referred to the communistic form of government rather than   
the Russian people. The Cardinal was very much interested in this and   
eared to understand and appreciate the distinction brought o
Throughout the entire conference, it was apparent to  
the interpreter at all times the deep and bounding admiratlon that the   
Cardinal had for Ambassador Taylor. Repeated often was the message that   
Ambassador Taylor's moves have been watched not only with great interest   
but with the greatest hope,and had been the subject of prayers, for his  
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