-2- politically and administratively. Also it was possible to secure agreement to leave the institutional compromise solution of the Lieutenancy untouched if the Parties both in and out of the Govern- ment had their own choice of Premier. Consequently the second course was indicated, particularly as it represented compliance with our basic instructions and the announced Moscow policy. By urging the formation of a Government at the earliest possible moment along these lines and by abstaining from direct intervention in the choice of e Premier, Anglo-American authority at least in Rome has regained the initiative which in the South it had earlier abandoned, permitting Russian-Communist leadership to dominate. It is true that the Government as at present constituted is not too strong and is composed of elderly politicians under a formerly weak Prime Minister. Nevertheless it is absolutely free from Fascist tinge and does comprise both members of the April Government and those who under the German oppression and in danger of their lives kept alive the anti-Fascist spirit of resistance and the organization of the Parties, As a coalition Gert it does embrace most shades of public opinion and party sentiment. Therefore administratively, which from the point of view of the Allied war effort must have high priority, it gives more guarantee of solidarity and effectiveness than would the co-existence of an outspoken opposition with a weak Badoglio Government. One of the principal supporters of the latter, Togliati, was the member who at the meeting told Badogllo frankly that under the circumstances it would be impossible to form a Government under him. The Luogotenenza solution has not made it possible to bring in all elements, but these would have been still fewer under Badoglio. omi who deserves great credit for his activities as Presiden |