5) With the publication of pamphlets written by specialists, which
give practical advice on hygiene and sickness.
The third facility is the Italian Red Cross.
The basic organization of the Italian Red Cross concists of a National
overall agency subdivided into zones or areas, these zones or areas
having partial autonomy with a zone or area committee. Under the zone
or area committee are the provincial organizations with a provincial
committtee. The provincial committee has representation in the
communes. The basic services of Italian Red Cross are largely medical
in their nature but include social service.
During the war the additonal responsibility of POW information had
been included. The organization of this volunteer service plus a paid
staff offers a reservoir of assistance and information as the work of
this section of the Red Cros diminishes.
Medical service is broken down into:
1) Hospitals.
(a) In all Italy they operate four tuberculosis sanitoriums and 12
preventoriums largely interesting themselves in the program of
tuberculosis prevention encourages by the Ministry of the Interior.
(b) They are responsible for specialized wards or departments in
public hospitals.
(c) They have operated 100 out-patient dispensaries, 60 of which
remain in German occupied Italy.
(d) The operation of mobile hospitals created during the war and
presently being used for civilian casualties in the combat zone or in
the area of mine fields.
(e) the operation of first aid stations expanded for air