Text Version

FROM: Mr. Silber, American Red Cross
The undersigned, accompanied by Signor Zaccarian, visited Naples for a   
two-fold purpose--(1) to institute and carry out the program of movement of   
supplies from the Naples warehouses and (2) tr commence the initial stages   
for a distribution of relief sueplies in Naples City.
Hertofore requests have been made and approval given for sufficient   
railroad freight cars to move to various places from Naples approximately 560   
tons of supplies.
On January g, after numerouus conferences in Naples, I wish to report   
the results as follows: We obtained from the Transportation Subcommission of   
Allied Commission 60 Italian boxcars with arangements to get them in the   
following manner at the central station of Naples:
     January 10, 1945 -8 cars to Littoria
     January ll," - 9 cars to Formia (Littoria Province)
     January 12," -20 cars to Ceccano (Frosinone Province)
     January 13," -6 cars to Terracine (Littoria Province)
     January 14," -17 cars to Rome.
Motor trucks were obtained from various sources in Naples, including   
A.C. and P.B.S., to carry all merchandise from ENDSI warehouse in Naples to   
railroad siding in naples.  On January 10th and January 11th cars were delivered   
by the Railroad Authorities, loaded and dispatched to their destination.    
Arrangements were made before leaving naples with railroad and military authorities   
for motor transport in naples of sufficient amounts to complete this movement.    
The 60 cars above mentioned it is estimated, will be sufficient to carry 560   
tons, being the total rolling stock requested with allocation to Littoria and   
Frosicne and with a balance to Rome ENDSI warehouses.  Arrangements were also   
made to handle all trains departing from Naples and for suficient guard to   
accompany them.  Both provincial and ENDSI are reasonably close to the railhead.    
The situation, however, is somewhat different in Fropsinone.  ENDSI in that   
province has three warehouses, one each at Roccasecce, Arce and Altari.  It was   
deemed inexpedient, however, to unload the cars at Roccasecca railhead (being   
the railhead closest to the warehouse), due to the fact that it is a most   
important military railhead.  Furthermore, due to the inadequacy of rail   
unloading space, the cars containing the merchandise would be likely to remain   
loaded for several days without proprer or adequate guard, and this would   
likely result in great pilferage.  As a result, the undersigned went to Fiuggi,   
the present provincial capital of Frosinone, on January 11 to confer with   
provincial military authorities.  An agreement was reached to have the cars sent   
to Ceprano, a railhead closer to Roccasecca than Ceccano.  Motor transport will   
be made available at Ceprano to haul this material quickly and safely to   
ENDSI warehouses within the province.  It now appears likely that, as of   
January 14th, all clothing for the provinces of Littoria and Frosinone will   
have been received within the provinces and that by January 15 additional   
stores will have been received in Rome, thus carrying out the intended policies   
as expressed by the Advisory Council of ARI to rapidity--yet in
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