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satisfactory and that the provincial committee and the communal committees in   
the devastated areas will have completed their tests during January.
Naples City: carrying out the approved plan of the Advisory Council for   
a distributio of relief supplies in Naples City, we met with the provincial   
committee in Naples on January 10 and discussed in detail (1) the proper   
organization of committees within Naples City to carry out a substantial   
clothing distribution and (2) the necessity for sped in distributing the   
supplies.  It was agreed that on January 16 we would be advised in a return   
visit to Naples the number of persons in need, the classification used in   
determining such number, the method of distribution, and the announcement   
that all the organization for such distribution had been completed.  In the   
discussion to determine the classification of people who would be aided, it   
was finally agreed to use the following method of priority:
1. Impiegati -People earning less than 3,000 lira a month.
2. Pensioneti -The aged who are living on a pension wholly inadequate to   
sustain themselves.
3. Sinistreti - The bombed out, yet permanent, residents in Naples.
4. Povari - The destitute.
5. Profughi - The peeple who have now become more or less permanent refugees   
having been in Naples Province in many cases for a long period of time,   
to-wit, twelve months.
The five groups above, it is believed, may reach 100,000 and the City of   
Naples is to give us the information as to how many it is estimated there are   
in each classification. When the figure is available, it is quite likely that   
if the clothing is unavailable for the number requested, the groups will be   
taken off the list on a priority basis, so that the refugees, by way of   
illustration, will be the last group to be considered.  In order that the   
alocation and distribution be kept eminently fair and free of discrimination,   
any variation in the persons to be assisted will be done by group, and either   
all or none of a certain group classification will be assisted.   Present   
indications are that there are sufficient clothing stores in Naples unallocated,   
which can be earmarked for Naples City to serve between 60,000 and 100,000   
persons. Definite assurances were given that the distribution would be   
entirely completed by January 31.
(Sgn) Joseph S. Silber
American Red Cross
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