-5- too in fields we didn't contemplate in the beginning--Sardi Mr. Barr: There were 79,000 of these called "impiegati". people in the devastated areas. All those operations will b where adequate distribution was not made, we will have some Mr.Taylor: Ing. Galeazzi has taken us to the Vatican where a group of sisters are sorting some of the materials which the National Contmittee turned over and are reconditioning them. Through the sisters in various institutions a great many of the remaining materials are being sorted and astonished to see how these garments look after they have b n of the remaining material is summer material. We believe i rganization that ARI was not satisfied with. They baled the r: ARI also have their own cleaning plant which is now in op ve gone with old materials in some communes, we will supplem Brig. Parkinson: Has Potenza been taken care of? Mr. Barr: Yes, material for Potenza has been shipped. ill be a summary of what has been done--the number of people e: (glancing over press release): When did the atebrin table from A.C. Headquarters. I undertook to buy them. Those we s |