-2-#80, Tenth, from Vatican City heroic men and women in all the ranks required by war in this long pursuit of the enemy of the Italian peninsula. At the advent of spring, the season of hope and promise, the battle rages with ever increasing force in an ever lessening area. As the forces of the enemy are encircled their strength decreases. That is true in both hemispheres. The aggressors will be crushed. The folly of the Nazis particularly in seeing their towns and cities ruined, their soldiers and people maimed and killed by the same methods they introduced against their more peaceful neighbors surpasses in stupidity even their futile effort to conquer the world in the wake of their retreat. Italy a continuing battle ground has suffered vital injury. Only when the veil is lifted from the northern Italian sector can the full destruction of her homes, her factories, her economy be estimated. That it will be great is certain. This poor country so badly guided into the mad Nazi ambitions has paid dearly for its errors. It will continue to pay long after our generosity to a fallen foe has been exhausted for her wounds are deep and will be slow to heal. That you should have opened your purse strings to relieve liberated Italy as you have done for other war-torn countries rescued from the Nazi terror. That you should have opened your hearts in her hour of collapse of morale glorifies |