whereas political problems may be best dealt with on a
regional basis, there is need for a world organization to
secure international action on economic and social affairs,
including the problems of the non-self-governing territories.
Non-self-governing territories.
The supervision of a progressive internationaliation of the
position of Colonies, Protectorates and Mandates.
The progress of internationaization might take the
following form:
The existing Colonial powers might agree either,
in the case of colonies already far advanced towards
self-government to grant complete fiscal autonomy and
thereafter to expedite the progress towards self-
government, or, in the case of less advanced colonies,
might agree
(i) immediately to institute an 'open door' regime
for trade and for economic opportunities,
including contracts, in their colonies.
(ii) that a commission, established by the World
Organization, should Supervise the "openness of
the door";
(iii) undertake to treat such colonies and protector-
ates as mandates and submit reports to the
proposed commission;
(iv) accept the principle that the World
Organization should through its commission
undertake a progressively increasing degree of
responsibility for the government of non-self-
governing territories.
The effect of such a policy would be immediately
to secure to all countries equality of economic
opportunities in non-self-governing territories.
It would also assure to all nations that the respon-
sibilities to be borne on behalf of, and benefits to be
derived from, the non-self-governing territories should