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or counter Allied action, they would have to employ such forces
as they could muster at the time. Tinning would similarly depend
on the state of affairs then existing.
(ii) Through ~Icrth African vorts ~,~ainst Egypt from
west, possibly in conjunction with an attack t~hrough Turkey. Land
force required- 7 divisions made up say as follows:- 2 Gorman
armourod divisions, 1 Gorman motorized division, 1 Italian armouro
division, 1 Italian motorized division, 2 Italian infantry divisions.
Asstuning of Axis forces now in Libya,' oqL~ivd!cnt of 1
armourod, 1 motorized and 2 infantry division w'il'l still be in
area. ' T~oso arc included in above. Air Force required - the
force set out in sub paragraph (B) above would cover this
operation. Earliest date by which force in TRIPOLITANA could be
reinforced ilot us~no Tunisian ports - 5 months from date of
embarkation. Using Tunisian ports - 1~ months from date of
cmbarkat ion.
                                                  C ~ ~. DAR,
Above, putting into terms of ~-"                                   and assturning lSth
February as earliest date on which substantial .o~c~- can be with-
dravaa from Russia, gives earliest date for stage referred to above
ms follows'-
              (a) 1. Earliost dato of concontration on thc south
Russian sector 1st ~Ta~,
2. Fall of Restoy 15th Iiay.
3 Occupation of ~?~                        ~ ....
 z                          ~IKOP-Tu~PSE area !Sth June to SOt,
4. Dccupation of GROZI~I area 15th July.
5. Occupation of BATL~.i - E~lt~T area, dependent on
degree of resistance in Caucasia.
(b) 1. Concentration on the Turkish frontier let t{ay.
2. Earliest date on which forces could reach the
Syrian frontier- Turkey acquiescent - early August, Turkey
resisting - inca/culab!o.
(c) Concentration of forces for invasion of U.K.
15th iday to 15th Juno.
JCS m,-a. mo, 1-4-7~
By ram, Dat~ FEEl I 9 1974
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