for economic, social and political reforms (including a large degree of genuine self-government) which might make the people of Sinkiang a wiiling and voluntary part of China. 2. The Chinese may wish to feel out Russian policy. This is important from a number of aspects; (a) In regard to Outer Mongolia. The Kuomintang considers Outer Mongolia to be definitely a part off China, and it is determined, as a part off its anounced mission to restore China's freedom and territorial integrity, to bring about its eventual return to Chinese control. An examination of Chinese claims to Outer Mongolia is off interest. Legally, there is basis for these claims. In 1924 Soviet Russia committed itself to the recognition there off Chinese sovereignty. In 1936 when the Soviet Government signed a Treaty of Mutual Assistance the OuterMongolian Peoples Republic, it answered the prompt Chinese protests by stating that the treaty did not invalidate Chinese sovereignty and was aimed, not against China, but against other possible Third party aggression. But these Russian committments have been vague, and the true shape and strength off policy has been unknown. Historically, the Chinese claim to Outer Mongolia is much weaker. The country was a part off the Chinese Empire under the r'ecent dynasty partly by virtue off alliance with and partly by conquest by, the Manchus , the conquerors off China. The Mongols therefore shared, as partners of the Manchus, in ruling China, chieffly by the supply of troops. They have never considered themselves a real part of the Chinese Republic and the Republic has had only very brief and fragmentary control over the country. Morally, it can be argued that the Chinese have lost whatever claim they may have had. Their policy, where and when they have had a chance to exercise it, has been sal‚ish and oppressive. Mongolia for a time was the field of unscrupulous military adventurers. |