S E C R E T The British would like to have this read as follows: "To conduct the major strategic offensive against the Axis in the European - Mediterranean Theater with maximum possible forces, while maintaining the strategic defensive in other areas." The British have consistently indicated that their main interest is the War in Europe, and that all other undertakings should be kept at the minimum with a view to pressing that offensive. They have believed and strongly advocated that the major effort against the Axis in Europe in 1943 should be made in the Mediterranean. III. ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES RESOURCES WILL BE ALLOCATED TO MEET APPR0VED STRATEGIC COMMITMENTS ON A SCALE SUBJECT TO REVIEW FROM TIME TO TIME. RESOURCES AVAILABLE AFTER MEETING CURRENT STRATEGIC COMMITMENTS WILL BE ALLOCATED TO APPR0VED STRATEGIC UNDERTAKINGS, SUBJECT TO ALTERATION IN KEEPING WITH THE CHANGING SITUATION. This statement would probably be satisfactory to the British, provided that the words "by the Combined Chiefs of Staff" be added after "review" in the first sentence and after "allocated" in the second sentence. This would represent no change in the intent of this paragraph but would relieve the British concern lest such "review" and "alteration" be undertaken by the Joint Chiefs of Staff alone. IV. EXISTING STRATEGIC UNDERTAKINGS PRIORITY GROUP 1. (a) MAINTAIN THE SECURITY, AND WAR-MAKING CAPACITY OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE AND BRITISH ISLES. (b) SUPPORT AND MAINTAIN OUR FORCES IN ALL AREAS TO WHICH COMMITTED. (c) KEEP ENEMY SUBMARINE EFFORT UNDER INCREASINGLY EFFECTIVE CONTROL. - 17 - |