S E C R E T 26. Sequence of operations in the PACIFIC Operations in the northern PACIFIC are in progress. The MADANG-western NEW BRITAIN-BOUGAINVILLE campaign will commence about June 15, and will probably take the remainder of 1943 to complete. Prior to the completion of the above campaign, a decision must be made whether, to launch the BISMARCK ARCHIPELAGO or MARSHALL ISLANDS campaign. The MARSHALL ISLANDS campaign cannot be launched before early 1944. The relative value, as well as the magnitude, of further operations in NEW GUINEA with respect to operations in the CAROLINE ISLANDS must be assessed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the progress of the BISMARCK ARCHIPELAGO or MARSALL ISLANDS campaign, depending on which had been previously selected. When the direction of the main effort has been determined, a firm decision on the sequence of operations can be made. C00RDINATI0N OF 0FFENSIVE 0PERATI0NS IN THE PACIFIC WITH 0PERATI0NS IN ASIA 27. Coordination and timing of all Military operations in the PACIFIC-Asiatic Theater must be directed and controlled by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and in some instances by the Combined Chiefs of Staff, in order that each operation will not be con-sidered as an independent operation, but as a part of a larger picture. This is particularly important in our war against JAPAN where the enemy is operating on interior, lines. 28. Specifically, coordination should be prescribed for operations in the PACIFIC with those projected for the INDIA - CHINA theater. In addition, all raids by naval task forces should be coordinated, insofar as practicable, with other current operations in order that maximum benefit, may be achieved. Such coordination can be accomplished without infringing on the prerogative of - 29 - |