The bulk of the combat forces of the United States, United Kingdom and Russia can be applied simultaneously only against Germany, and then only if we attack in time. We cannot concentrate against Japan. Successful attack in this area will afford the maximum of support to the Russian front. 2. Decision as to the locality of the main effort must be made now. This is true even if the actual attack carmot be laudached during this year. A major attack must be preceded by a long period of inten- sive preparation. Basic decision is necessary so that all production, special construction, training, troop movements and allocations can be coordinated to a single end. Until this process of coordinated and intensified effort is initiated it is difficult to calculate even the approximate date at which a major offensive can be under- taken. The element of time is of the utmost importance. We must begin an offensive on a major scale before Russia, now practically alone, can be defeated and before Vichy France, Spain, Portugal and Turkey are drawn into the ranks of our enemies. 3. List of Plan. The plan more fully outlined in later paragraphs provides for an attack by combined forces against gestern Europe at the earliest possible moment that the necessary tactical forces can be accumulated-- estimated at April 1, 1943, provided decision is made now and our men, materiel and shippin: are not further dispersed. (An earlier date for an "emergency" offensive is set for the fall of 1942 as will be explained later) Combined forces required, exclusive of Naval support, are: Three thousand fighter planes. Twenty eight hundred planes (other combat types) Forty eight Divisions (all types - 30 of them U.S.) Paratroops; airborne troops; A.A. - etc. Total U.S. personnel to be transported to England: 1,000,000 by the date of initiating the attack. The plan contemplates three main phases. a. Preparatory. Beginning now, to date of initiating main attack. |