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method for its solution which ultimately might lead to a long
and general war.
The method of the mobilisation going on since some time
in Germany are such that I do not believe that there will be
any resistence of any importance on the part of the soldiers
called to the colours, nor will there be any resistence possible
on the part of the civilian population. Big new concentration
camps are being built for more than 150,000 people for all local
leaders of the former parties, former officials and respected
men of the trade unions and also of a very large part of the
Catholic and protestant clergy. The aim is, of course, to
deprive the people even to the remotest village of any potential
leader. I believe that the method will be official enough to
prevent any serious resistence. It will be carried out in spite 
of the fact that the Army is not fond at all of such methods, 
being well aware that in such a way the d6bacle will be even
greater later on if thehe is any serious set back from the
military point of view. As to the whole opinion of the more 
farsighted Generals one gets the best impression from the new 
book published by General von Metzsch which you will have seen 
quoted in the press. Unfortunately in a way absolutely contrary 
to the real intentions of this excellent man.
       To my great dismay the Navy has lost all balance of judgment 
in international politics. I am unable to give an explanation
for this fact.
I have been told that a so-called peace step on the part
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