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of the new Pope resulted from the strong advice given by
Mussolini to Hitler who suddenly made up his mind to follow 
such an advice. For me, of course, there can be no doubt that
the leanings of the present Pope are very much pro-Italian and
pro-Facist. I was very astonished to see articles in all
prominent papers of the world to the contrary.
As regards the feelings here, in London, I can only say
that everybody nearly reckons with the possibility of war in
July although as it is quite understandable people from time to
time like to indulge in optimism. But as you know there is no
great and constructive lead here. From year to year I get more
and more amazed at the lack of vision in British policy. I was
asked urgently to see one of the most prominent figures in British
politics no longer in power since two years. I found the greatest
and friendliest understanding for the future and the needs of the
German nation. But I was astonished to find that this gentleman
like so many others hoped that there would be in time another
Government in Germany which would then find the fullest support
of the British nation. I thought to myself: "Es ist zu schon
wahr zu sein ".
My plans are to stay here if the crisis comes until war breaks
out and then to go at once to Ireland and to sail from there by
an American steamer to the United States. Otherwise I shall stay
here until the middle of September.
       May I make quite frankly one suggestion. I don't think a 
new step on the part of President Roosevelt like his telegram to
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