- 13- twice that much in 1940, as the number of men called to the colors has greatly increased since the opening of the war. A certain increase in expenditures for personnel will also be noted, because the elimination of part of the salary cuts, starting in July 1939, will not show up except in a full budget year. With the further increase in the Reloh debt, the expenditures for service on the debt will increase. The interest on the Reich debt, which took the sum of 1.95 billion RM in the fiscal year 1939, must call for more than 3 billion RM in the fiscal year 1940. The expenditures for amortization amounted during past two fiscal years to from 1.25 to 1.30 billion RM per annum. In this connection it is to be noted, however, that only some 2/3 or 3/4 went for the amortization of loans, interest- ~bearlng Treasury bonds and other funded debts, while the remainder was used for the payment of bond maturities from the so-called advance financing (provision of work bonds and Mafowe bonds). It. remains to be seen whether in the current fiscal year an amortization of such special obligation will take place also. The amortization of loans and Treasury bonds will be undertaken to about the z . same extent as in the previous year. In all, the expendi- ture for service on debts ought to amount to from 3.9 to 4.3 billion RM. The payments to States and Communes |