- 14- likewise will probably be just as high as in the preceding year, while a certain augmentation is to be anticipated in the allotments for annuity insurance, as was the case in the preceding years, It is hard to tell to what extent the other civil administrativeexpenditures will change, that is, the expenditures in kind and investments, the payments to corporations and private individuals (subsidles), and the granting of loans. In the domain of payments in kind, savings will probably be possible, but on the other hand war business will demand further new investments and grants. Xn addition, there are the demands which result from exten- sion of the territory of the Reich. So on the whole a further increase In expenditures ought; to be oounted on here also. Taken altogether, we can probably count on expenditures for the civil administrative authorities of from 18 to 19 billion in the fiscal year 1940, as compared to 15.6 billion RM in the fiscal year 1939. Together with the expenditures for the armed forces, estimated at approximately 38 billion RM, we get the amount of money needed by the Reich as some 56 to 5V billion RM. To meet this need, there are available first, as special means of covering, the administrative revenue and proceeds from the budget borrow- ing. From previous observations, the placing of medium and |