July 15, 1942. MEMORANDUM FOR GENERAL MARSHALL ADMIRAL KING HON. HARRY L. HOPKINS SUBJECT: INSTRUCTIONS FOR BONDON CONFERENCE - JULY, 1942. 1. O.K. 2. The military and naval strategic changes have been so great since Mr. Churchill's visit to Washington that it becomes necessary to reach immediate agreement on joing operational plans between the British and ourselves along two lines: (A) Definite plans for the balance of 1942. (B) Tentative plans for the year 1943 which, of course, will be subject to change in the light of occurences in 1942, and which should be initiated at this tine in all cases involving preparation in 1942 for operations in 1943. 3. (A) The common aim of the United Nations must be the defeat of the Axis Powers. There cannot be compromise on this point. (B) We should concentrate our efforts and avoid dispersion. (C) Absolute coordinated use of British and American forces is essential. (D) All available U.S. and British forces should be brought into action as quickly as they can be profitably used. (E) It is of the highest importance that U.S. ground troops be brought into action against the enemy in 1942. |