-2- bombed but results unobserved owing to low cloud. 0il plants at Stettin, Leuna Koln, the dockyards at Hamburg, Bremen and Cuxhaven factories and numerous aerodromes were attacked but results unobserved. Blenheims attacked channel ports fires and explosions resulting. 3. German Air Force. Daylight October 26th. Slight activity in early morning but towards midday seven formations of from 10 to 30 aircraft almost entirely fighters were plotted over southeast England. On two occasions a small number of aircraft penetrated to central London but attacks were not pressed home and most raiders split up and turned away when over mid Kent. During this period strong forces of enemy aircraft were active over the Straits of Dover. 13 persons were killed and 50 seriously wounded in Curzon Street Mayfair and outside London damage was caused to property at Farnborough and bombs were dropped on South coast sea-side towns but no serious damage or casualties are reported. Just before dark two Royal Air Force stations in northeast Scotland were attacked; at one of th %em a Blenheim was burnt and an enemy bomber crashed on the aerodrome and exploded and at the other one aircraft and a hangar were destroyed. Night of October 26th/27th. Enemy activity was rather greater than usual and about 200 aircraft were operating over the country. The main attacks were again on London and Birmingham. In London area the bombing though widespread was chiefly south of river. The only important incidents were the destruction/ |